Friday, February 4, 2011

Rude awakening....

So this morning I woke up, looked at the clock and it was 5:24. UGH! I woke up 1 minute before the alarm went off. So instead of the alarm blaring and waking up Kyle, I get up. Turn it off and start to get ready for work.
While I'm in the shower I think it's weird that my little alarm didn't go off. However I have a history of turning off the little alarm in my sleep, thus the big, blaring, boisterous alarm to tell me it's time to get up NOW.
I took a little extra time in the shower and when I come back and start getting dressed the time is now5:40.
I'm all dressed and and Kyle is getting up to shower and I look at the clock and suddenly is 2:43am!
I don't understand! I get my little alarm and it's 2:40am. I tell Kyle to get back into bed, it's not time to get up. I go to the living room and the clock says 2:45. The kitchen stove clock tells me the same.
I take out my contacts, get back into my jammies, reset the alarm and go back to bed. But now I'm worried that I won't wake up.
But I did. Kyle went to get ready and I crashed very hard for about 30 min. When I did wake up it was 5:55. We need to leave in 5 min. At least I was showered.
It's been a long day. I'm ready for a very long sleep tonight.


Linda said...

What a bummer!!!! Only a couple of hours of sleep, then the stress of the day. You will either sleep good, or not at all tonight! I'm at the temple in the day Sat, but give me a call in the evening if you get an opportunity.

Sassy said...

Ick, ick, ick. How disorienting.

Sandy Baur said...

How RUDE!!! I have done that before it ruins the entire day!

Sandy Baur said...

I'm stalking your blog for pics of your flowers!!!!! hint hint wink!