Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well it's that time to start thinking what you have and grateful for and some things that you would like to change in your life.
Instead of making a HUGE list and feeling terrible next Dec. 31st when I haven't completed a marathon or written a best selling novel... I am going to make only 2 resolutions that will be better for me.
1. Eat my vegetables. I have to eat at least 1 serving of veggies every day.
2. Read /reread 60 books. Last year I read/reread about 50 books. There are some great classics out there that I love to re-read.
So good luck to you and blessing be yours!


Sandy Baur said...

I love the new look of your blog! Happy New Year! I love you!

Karla said...

Be sure and blog about your favorites books!

Linda said...

I love realistic goals that bring health and joy to life. You have hit the "mother lode" with your goals to bring maximum happiness, joy and growth.