Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New Year

I haven't posted in a long time. Sorry about that. I've been lazy.
Christmas Eve was super fun this year. Four of the six of us meet at my sister's house for nachos. (super yummy!) Then my parents Skyyped in and Dad read "T'was the Night Before Christmas". Little Spencer just loved it. Then we sang songs and opened presents. It was a good thing we had Sarah there to keep us on tune. It was a great night with wonderful memories.
Christmas Day Kyle and I flew to Denver to spend Christmas Day with my parents. We were going to go to Canada but the flight loads tanked. It was so great to be with my parents again. We hadn't gone to Denver since... I want to say March. A very long time.
New Year's Eve we went to downtown Kaysville. (it's about 1/2 block away) and listened to local bands play. They had free BBQ and cookies. It was nice.
This New Year that is upon me there are some things I would like to do.
1. find a new apt. Our manager is now charging us for water and sewer. So we are on the look out for a new apartment. We are in need but not desperate so that helps.
We looked at one yesterday that was $625 including all utilities but it made the "Pit of Despair" look like a summer cottage. The lady showing it to us said it was "ready to move in" but that bathroom was horrid! So I don't care how cheap it is, I'm not moving to a mold infested dank and dark apt.
so there.
2. I am training to do a marathon with my sister in June. When the time comes I will make the decision to do a 1/2 or a full marathon. The starting is very slow but I'm excited.
3. I want to read at least 1 scripture with my primary class every week. They are six and just learning to read. But I really want them to learn to read the scriptures.
I'm sure there's more stuff I want to do but I feel like I'm rambling.


Sassy said...

if you can't ramble on your own blog, where can you ramble??? Your resolutions sound great. I can get behind the "no mold" rule.

P.S. I don't think anything could have saved that first hymn we sang...

Linda said...

Fun life you lead, except for the rent raise....Hope you find something there. It is so close to Kyle's school.

Love your Goals.

Christmas was GREAT. Thanks for coming. U Leonard said he is sorry he missed Chinese, but he was at the V.A hospital.

Tiffany Wacaser said...

I love your new year's resolutions. How is it going? You know, my little Josef is 6 and how great would it be if he were learning to read a scripture each week. Miss you.