Today at work I met the inbound flight from Cody, WY.
As the passengers were coming off I saw Mr.
Reily... My high school
English teacher. Wow talk about some flash backs.
Then I saw
Senator Simpson. He's always so nice.
So I'm telling my buddy next to me about Mr.
Reily and some funny high school stories when the fight attendant comes in with a rather dashing paper boy hat. She says it's
Senator Simpson's. Well I know he's going to Washington D.C. so I tell her I'll take care of it.
I head to the crown room and Senator Simpson is just checking in and I say, "Excuse me Senator Simpson. Does this belong to you?"
He looks at the hat and tell me, "You sweet child! Thank you. You're so nice to bring it from the plane." Then he gives me a little hug and a kiss on the cheek.
hee heeThen as I'm coming out of the crown room to go back to work I saw Wynn Manning. She says hi to everyone. She's off to D.C. to visit her son I think.
I didn't get a chance to talk to her due to the fact that I was walking backward on the moving walkway and people were getting mad at us.
So.. fun day.