Tuesday, January 6, 2009

09 is starting fine

Kyle and I rang in the New Year with some left over fireworks. (Thanks Nell). It was lots of fun. After the fireworks we opened a bottle of chilled sparkling apple cider. I downed it.
On the 2nd we went to the temple and had a wonderful time. Saturday the 3rd I donated platelets and we got our new licence plates for Aries.
Sunday we met our new primary class. They are 6 turning 7. We have 6 girls and 2 boys on the roll. They seem like a good bunch of kids.
Yesterday I went to exercise on the elliptical machine and it made a horrible noise and the right paddle was angled down. Upon further inspection today, the rear peg that attached to the peddle has broken half of it's sauntering. There is fine Wal-Mart craftsmanship for you. So now, I'm not sure what we're going to do about it.
But for exercise today I did my Hula for Health for 20 min and a Palates for 30 min. My tummy hurts now. But I wish I could have done some great cardio or that there was a good gym near me.
hmmmm. I think I am starting to ramble.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Bummer about the eliptcal. Does it have a warrentee? Glad your New Year is starting out GREAT - minus the machine.